Terms & Conditions
The following terms and conditions will apply:
Booking a Course
Application Forms: must be accompanied by the deposit in order for your place to be confirmed and a receipt will be issued as confirmation.
Deposits: are non-refundable.
Outstanding Balance: for the Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Massage or Sports Massage course must be paid four weeks before commencement of the course which receives a huge discount, or students may pay the first installment as indicated on the dates and fees page four weeks before commencement of the course, in order to keep their place.
Technical Course Essentials
Computer & Internet Access: Students must have regular access to a computer/the internet so that they can access and download relevant coursework & information on a regular basis. To download the material you need to have Adobe Reader in order to read the pdf files.
Facebook: It is essential that students join Facebook and send Jackie by email the email address they use for Facebook - it is a totally private group and nobody can find it without being added. All classes are contacted via private Facebook group and we use this as a means of communication.
Email address: Students are expected to have their own and check incoming emails regularly for any updates, information and important help sent to their class to ensure their time with us is productive and inclusive.
Dropbox: Please create a Dropbox account and download it to your computer Dropbox is used pre-course so it essential that you get this
School Expectaions
Class Participation: Students practice in the classroom on each other - whatever the therapy they are learning - students have to experience receiving as well as giving a treatment and full participation in the practical session is an essential part of professional training. Nobody is exposed and client care is paramount.
Attitude to Learning: Jackie Hamilton School prides itself of producing professional & industry ready therapists. Students are therefore required to bring commitment, hard work & a positive working attitude into the classroom at all times.
Pre-Course Work
Student are expected and required to complete pre-course projects before the course commences; these will be sent to you via Dropbox once you have paid the deposit.
This is a tremendous bonus for students, as the course work is then spread over time, and also means that once you start attending the classes you have had the benefit of working towards the qualification. You can then focus on learning new skills and building on your knowledge.
Special Consideration
Students must let the school know if they require special consideration (perhaps Dyslexia for example) that may affect their learning. Proof must be provided to the school, upon application to a course (within 7 days) as this information must be conveyed to the awarding bodies so that this can be taken into account by them and also so that we can provide as much support to the student as is practically possible.
Previous Qualifications
Students who have a relevant qualification (e.g. level 3 Anatomy & Physiology) gained within the last 5 years and would like this credited towards the course they are about to join, must provide a copy of the Diploma/Certificate, within 7 days of the application so that this can be verified with the awarding/examination body. Please scan and email to jackie@jackiehamilton.co.uk
Course Payments/Deposits
(payment details are sent automatically by email when you fill in an on line application form)
A deposit is required to secure your place on a course.
Deposits may be made by:
Bank transfer: bank details automatically sent to you once we receive your online application form
Paypal: Via our website www.jackiehamilton.co.uk or from your Paypal Account make a deposit payment to jackie@jackiehamilton.co.uk.
Credit Card: payments may be taken at 01603 621600.
Further Course Payments:
Standing Orders: regular monthly installments should begin four weeks before commencement of the course.
Bank Transfers: Further payments for the course (installments or balance) should be made into the school bank.
Paypal or Credit Card or Debit Card: users will incur a fee of up to 3.5%
Cancellation Policy
If Jackie Hamilton School cancels a course due to inadequate enrollments your deposit will be refunded. Students will be notified as soon as possible should a course not run for any reason.
Deposits are non-refundable. Course fees are payable, non-refundable and non-transferable unless six weeks notice, (prior to commencement of the course) of cancellation is given in writing.
Attendance Policy
All course dates must be attended. Should a student be unable to attend a class or course for personal reasons or the college withdraws a student for lack of attendance, failure to deliver course work by required deadlines, or their unreasonable conduct, they will have no claim to a reimbursement of the course fee or transfer to a later course. In such circumstances a student will be liable for full course fees. Exceptions may be made on production of a medical certificate, or at the discretion of the Principal.
Missed Sessions
Missed sessions must be made up with the tutor or an assistant, which will be a private arrangement and incur an extra fee. Students must attend all course dates and missed sessions must be made up in order for the student to be able to take the exams.
Fees and Charges
Although Jackie Hamilton School will endeavor to give notice of increased charges, we have no control over awarding body charges and therefore students are warned that course and examination fees may be subject to change without warning.
Exclusion: Jackie Hamilton School reserves the right to refuse admittance on a course run at the School